The book he wants to read (I would love to be...)
I may never be the book he wants to read...
Maybe he likes reading just storyes that are told by the PS2, PS3, PS4...
Maybe I'm not interesting enough for him to read,
maybe he read the synopsis in my back cover and realized I'm not the kind of reading he would like to read...
Or maybe,
He is just too afraid of being caught by my reading, because there are many other things to read...
Or maybe,
He just doesn't care...
But I should have realized that when he told me so... I wasn't liseting at all when he said: "You are so cruel with yourself."
How could I have imagined in that moment that he was right? When all in my body was telling me: "this is good, this is good, this is great, this is crazy, this is...cruel?"
But how could this be cruel? When he touches me and I feel free, and when he kisses me I feel like swimming in a clear warm water.
Y él es el agua
y yo nado en él,
y él me envuelve, me alza, me abraza, me calienta, me refresca
y yo me sumerjo en su ser
e intento hundirme en él...
intento ahogarme en él.
Algunas palabras que martillaban en mi cabeza por un largo tiempo, hasta que las puse en papel, la verdad en esos momentos pensaba demasiado en él, aún lo hago aunque sin esa pasión desenfrenada de esos momentos, sin querer ahogarme en él... bueno a veces pienso en lo delicioso que sería, que fue.
Aún lo pienso, pero ahora todo es diferente. Anyway he is always welcome in my life :3
PS: Is he ever going to find this blog? Did he find it already?
PPS: A todos mis honeys, gracias por leerme n.n