viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017


What is it?

What is it? I mean, am I obsessed? Even though I know... or at least I kind of know what it is, I'm not sure if I really am... 
I mean, on one side I am obsessed and I know it because I really wanna see him, I like him, I (kind of) miss him and I've been on this over 4 years now... 3 years..? The point is that I am still waiting for something to happen, although I know anything different, from what already happened, will happen. On the other side, I don't think it is an obsession because I don't think about him like a lot. only once a day, and some days I don't think about him at all.
But, ok. Based on past events, long ago (when I think I was waaaay more obsessed than now) I used to think a lot about him, a lot! And I also used to feel really really really really excited about meeting him (before, during and after the meeting). 
But now, it's like I am excited, I wanna see him, but once I get to see him it's not that great... it's just fine, not awesome as it used to be.
Maybe it is because I am obsessed with him in my head only. I mean I am obesessed with the "him" I got in my head, wich is not the actual guy. 

So, after all this's the quetion that matters:
How do you go over a complete self-fabricated guy who's only in your head? Over a dream?

Waking up.


PS: I'm not obsessed with "that" him anymore... but I still think he is cute :3 
PPS: I think I'm getting another obsession... someone I've been dreaming about a lot n.n

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