martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

Another love poem...(so cute)

By Jared Singer

There is a reason that I always turn my sex into a joke
It so that when it does not happen 
I can pretend that it is not because I am too fat
Or too lonely
Or going to die alone 
Love 1c: If there's anything more like the way I fall in love with a children's cartoon
I haven't found it yet 
Love 3: The heart is a terrible metaphor for love. 
All of you, please stop using it!
Delete every poem with it in it.
Love, is not a muscle
It cannot atrophy from lack of use.
Love is an organ, it can always sneak up on you.
The lungs are a much better metaphor for love.
Please, always use them.
At inhales the moment our excitement, you feel when you firs meet someone new.
The exhale is that moment of hate we all fear we will feel if this does not workout,
but that moment between breath when your body could be anything,
that, love.

This just so very cute (muy conmovida) words for this one, so please just enjoy it! :D

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